Introducing The Machine

Taking Waste Out of Landfills

As the world’s landfills begin to overflow and pollution levels soar, finding ways to rid of our waste becomes critical. South Africa is currently producing 108 million tons of waste a year. A total of 90% of that waste ends up in landfills and only 10% of waste is currently recycled.

The need for waste reduction and better waste management grows more urgent each year. But more challenging than finding a method for dealing with garbage is obtaining the financial resources to do so. Managing urban waste is one of the most expensive municipal services. Some regions in the United Kingdom are even encouraging residents to compost their garbage in order to save on waste-transportation costs. Many great minds have explored the possibility of waste conversion, and some well-known schemes have already been in use for a number of years. However, the limitations of the complex systems or the factory-size facilities necessary for such operations have rendered the current schemes too costly or inefficient. There is a pressing demand for a waste conversion system that enables us not only to benefit the environment, but also to profit from it directly.

Utilizing Waste as a Commodity

Enter the GeoDyn™ Machine. It is compact, scalable, and continuously converts thousands of pounds of waste per hour into fertilizers and biofuel.

The device accepts virtually any form of organic refuse, unlike other recycling machines limited to using only particular food products or wood chips. The GeoDyn™ Machine includes multiple stages that efficiently reduce the size of the waste, compress it and squeeze out its liquid, further pulverize the dehydrated content, and form pellets that are dried and cooled. These pellets can then be used as a fertilizer supplement and as a biofuel. This same machine also treats the liquid initially extracted from the waste, resulting in a product that could either be used as liquid fertilizer or sold to companies manufacturing biogases.

In essence, nothing is wasted with the TWS Machine. It completes the waste-to-energy cycle. It transforms the dream of waste conversion and sustainable energy into a cleaner, greener reality.